Category: Global Business

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The big, fat but in the digital age

globalHMA is a digital agency. We work with automated marketing systems, build websites and digitize everything. We are always connected with at least one, if not two, devices at a time. We

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sms messaging

SMS Messaging Apps: Yet Another Global Tool

Technology is the result of solving a problem. New technologies are created to solve specific problems. For instance, people needed a way to share information quickly. Solution: The Internet. Problem: People want to have

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Going Global with Search Marketing

Did you know people are four times more likely to make a purchase online with information in their own language? While the English language Internet is continuing to grow more and more

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Global Economy

As I cleaned and read this weekend, CNN rambled on about America’s debt debacle, the stock market tumble and the impending end of the world as we know it.  I couldn’t help

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