David Meerman Scott real-time media

Real-Time Media Strategist Inspires Marketing Success

David Meerman Scott is a world-renowned, real-time media specialist and marketing strategist. While his career started out in print marketing, he eventually found his true calling in the digital marketing industry. His original digital marketing beliefs were considered to be too radical by some of his past employers and coworkers, but now these radical beliefs and marketing practices are now used throughout the world.


Here at globalHMA, besides developing our own innovating marketing strategies, we also take advantage of some of David’s practices. One thing we both strongly believe in is that real-time media has to move fast and contain “content rich” material. We have taken some of his approaches toward marketing to grow not only our brand, but also our client’s brands. These ideas and marketing practices have helped grow some of today’s largest companies.

David teaches the importance of creating real-time media content that is informative, entertaining and motivational. Our copywriters, SEO specialists and account service teams are always working hard to effectively incorporate these three elements in our own approach to real-time media. We are always working hard to inspire, motivate and achieve more.

We recommend reading David Meerman Scott’s The New Rules of Marketing & PR. In fact, we often share a copy of the book with our clients when discussing real-time media. What is your favorite book by David Meerman Scott?

Inspired by David Meerman Scott, the above graphic was designed by Jason Getz.

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